Pets we helped in 2024
Because of you, these tails kept wagging and these hearts kept purring. Thank you for helping us make a difference in 2024!
Bernie needed some testing done, and thanks to your support throughout the year, we were able to call in payment for Mom.

After being sick for 3 months, Calcifer was given a diagnosis of FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). We were able to help Mom cover the costs of some of the treatment and bloodwork.

Dazee, a beloved 9-month-old chocolate lab, decided it was a good idea to eat a rock. Mom reached out for help because she had not eaten for two days. She wasn’t an active little puppy! After a trip to the vet, and some fluids to help her pass it, Dazee was on the road to recovery.

Sweet Gemma had tested positive for heartworms six months after she was adopted. We were able to help mom seek treatment but, unfortunately, Gemma passed away due to the damage that had already been done. Rest easy, sweet girl.

Jojo's mom reached out for our help. Jojo had stopped eating and drinking and was severely dehydrated. Because of all the wonderful donors all year long, we were able to call in a payment to get Jojo some x-rays and some subcutaneous fluids. The vet thinks she could have an obstruction or impacted stool.

Maisey’s mom reached out for help because he was vomiting and not eating. After getting an x-ray, it was determined that he ate a Nerf bullet. They sent him home after giving him extra fluids, hoping he’d pass it. He did end up needing surgery and is doing well!

After countless of visits with specialists and more tests than we would have liked, he was positively diagnosed with a liver shunt that is suspected to be intrahepatic. No vet in their area (Savannah, GA) has seen a case of this in 25+ years so they are being sent to the University of Florida. Pascal had his surgery and is doing well!

Pepper is a spunky 3 ½ year old that still hasn't grown out of her curious kitten stage. She loves nothing more than to drag her feather toy around the house or steal her mother's hair ties. Sadly, Pepper decided to find out how one of them tasted and got it stuck in her intestines. She has undergone surgery to remove the hair tie and is now on the mend at a local pet hospital.

Pikachu had impaled himself on a pitchfork while playing outside. Thanks to our supporters, we were able to help his family get the immediate care he needed.
Sweet Remi has been diagnosed with two portosystemic liver shunts, along with bladder stones that have formed as a result of the shunts. Her doctor recommends surgery for the two hepatic shunts, along with a cystotomy to remove the bladder stones. Remi had her surgery and is doing well!

Everything was normal for Sol until one morning, after his breakfast, he began to vomit and show signs of struggling to breath. He was wobbling and flopping over. He was immediately taken to the emergency vet. They believe he ingested something he shouldn't have. After some time in an oxygen tank, he was on his way to recovery.
Van Gogh

Van Gogh was diagnosed with a couple of mast cell tumors. We helped her family with the initial ultrasound to make sure the cancer hadn't spread. After months of fundraising, she was able to have her surgery to remove the tumors. She is on the road to recovery!