Pets we helped in 2022
Because of you, these tails kept wagging and these hearts kept purring. Thank you for helping us make a difference in 2022!

This handsome boy is Bubbles. Bubbles wasn't feeling well earlier this week and Mom was getting worried about him. Thanks to all of the support over the last year, we were able to help Mom get Bubbles checked out and on some meds. He's on the mend now and will be 100% in no time!

Buddie is only a year old and was hit by a car on Friday. He was able to drag himself home and his family was devastated when they realized what happened to him. Mom was able to get him to the vet where it turns out he has a broken hip. This is actually good news because, not only is it not life-threatening but with a lot of rest, he should make a full recovery. No surgery is needed!

Daisy had gone the vet due to milk fever. Unfortunately, she ended up passing away. Rest east, sweet girl.

Daphnee's mom reached out to us because Daphnee had, what appeared to be a severe seizure, then was very lethargic afterward. She spent some time in the ICU at Blue Pearl going through testing to see what's wrong with her. She got through that crisis and is thriving.

Diesel, a 6-month-old Shar-Pei, had to have emergency surgery to fix a prolapsed colon/rectum. Half of his colon had to be removed. Unfortunately, he developed a life-threatening infection and had to be euthanized. Rest east, sweet boy.
Finn (2-years old) went to the vet for a routine checkup. While he was there, it was determined that he is anemic. After many tests, it turns out that Finn has non-regenerative anemia and may need more blood transfusions. He has had one transfusion already and is currently stable. His family is awaiting results from a bone marrow aspiration to determine what is causing the problem.

This sweetie pie, Finnegan, is two years old and decided it was a good idea to swallow a piece of his toy. Unfortunately, that piece got stuck and Finn underwent surgery to remove it. The surgery was a success and he continues to thrive.

Lunawas born with an intrahepatic portosystemic liver shunt, The condition means her liver doesn't work as it should, so her blood does not get the filtration it needs, and toxins build up and absorb into her body. Luna ended up having surgery to fix the shunts and she continues to thrive!
Oliver is having some medical issues and his mouth won't close. He's excessively drooling and won't eat or drink. We were able to get him to a vet for treatment.

This poor boy hds a mass on his spleen that could have ruptured at any time. He had immediate surgery and continues to thrive!

Silas was taken to the vet with a suspected UTI. Unfortunately, it turned out that he had a blockage in his urinary tract which would be fatal if it wasn’t removed. Silas had the surgery and continues to thrive!
This sweet senior needs our help! Xena has a mass in her stomach. The doctor's couldn't get a good look at it through imaging so she had exploratory surgery. We were able to help her surgery and Xena continues to thrive!

Zeus' mom took him to the emergency vet because he was vomiting and had blood in his stool. He had a blockage in his intestines. They loaded him up with fluids to help him pass it. He did end up passing whatever was blocking him up and was feeling much better. Unfortunately, he had kidney issues later in 2022 and passed away. Rest easy, sweet boy.