Pets we helped in 2023
Because of you, these tails kept wagging and these hearts kept purring. Thank you for helping us make a difference in 2023!

Clyde was a happy, healthy 16-year-old sweetie pie. One day, he was running around playing like normal. The next time he tried to get up, his back legs stopped working. Mom is doing everything she can to get answers. Thanks to our WONDERFUL supporters, we were able to help Mom get the x-rays Clyde needed.

Kenzie is a 6-year-old Tuxedo that needed our help! Her nose started bleeding on one side a few weeks ago. Mom was able to get an appointment with Internal Medicine at Blue Pearl for Tuesday, July 11th. While waiting for her appointment, Kenzie started sneezing and coughing and Blue Pearl recommended she be hospitalized until her appointment on the 11th. We were able to help her with that and some additional testing.

Layla had a tumor on her paw that got infected. When she got to the vet, the infection was too much for her and they recommended euthanasia. Rest easy, sweet girl.

Pooh was a pretty sick kitty when Mom reached out to us. She was able to get him to an emergency vet for some testing. After determining that his white blood cell count was low and that his intestines were inflamed, the vet recommended euthanasia. Rest easy, handsome boy